

Want to Track a Whole Fleet?

Upgrade to Fleet Plan

Try it free, then upgrade to Fleet Plan.
Only pay for what you need! No contract!

Unlimited Remote Live View
Stream real-time video without limit. Bitrate: 600kbps
Up to 999 Dashcams
Register up to 999 dashcams per account.
15GB of Cloud Storage
15GB per additional dashcam. Unlimited Event Auto-upload storage.
90-days GPS Tracking Log
High accuracy: 15 seconds, Video On a Map, easy data export.
Alert Push Notifications

Receive notifications on your phone when preset events occur. Great in combination with BlackVue’s Parking Mode.

Remote Live View
Remotely monitor your car in real time from anywhere, anytime.
Video Backup / Auto-Upload

Back up videos to  your phone or Cloud storage. Live Auto-Upload: save Event files in real time to the Cloud! Learn More.

Voice Call
Talk with people in the car from your smartphone. The driver can speak while keeping hands on the wheel.
GPS Tracking
Visualize on a map your car’s location and speed. With any paid Cloud Plan, access 90-days’ worth of GPS data.
Remote Video Playback
Play videos stored in the Cloud or in your dashcam anytime on your smartphone or tablet
Cloud FOTA

Upgrade your dashcam’s firmware easily over the Cloud. Learn more.

Live Event Upload

Save Event videos to the Cloud in real time—including the seconds before trigger. Learn more.

Mobile Hotspot Function

Turn your compatible BlackVue into an internet router for up to five devices concurrently. Learn more

Target Industry

Transportation & Logistics
Rental & Leasing
Construction & Building
Government & Public

Facility & Utility Management


Unique Fleet Management Features

Create geofences and receive real-time notifications on your phone or computer.
Driving report
View at a glance total distance driven, idle time, speeding Events, etc., in tables that can be printed or exported.
Multi Live View
Monitor up to 4 dashcams simultaneously


Fleet Tracking
Vehicle & Cargo Protection
Driver Monitoring
Peace of Mind

More about FLEETA

Compatible Devices

Compatibility: all Cloud-compatible BlackVue dashcams.

Connectivity requirements: SIM card with data plan (for models with built-in LTE), BlackVue CM100G LTE Connectivity Module and active SIM card, or LTE mobile Wi-Fi router with active data plan in range of the dashcam.

* Some Fleeta Fleet Tracking features may be compatible with select models only.
